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Road Rules

Riding a motorbike in New Zealand is different to driving in other countries. take a few minutes to read the Road rules information leaflets so that you know what to expect and what you’re likely to encounter.
While New Zealand isn’t a large country, and often traffic is light, you do need to know the Road rules in order to drive safely. Some differences are obvious:
- We drive on the left.
- Distances are in kilometres not miles.
- Not all roads are sealed.
- Many bridges are one lane only, you need to know who has right of way.
Take a few minutes to download and the the two leaflets ‘Driving In NZ’ and ‘Whats Different About Driving in NZ’, they contain a wealth of information to help you stay safe and keep on the right side of the law.
Also, check out:
- New Zealand Transport Agency – Road Code for Motorcyclists.
- New Zealand Transport Agency – Safety for visting drivers.
- New Zealand.com – Driving Rules $ Safety.
And remember:
- Motorcyclists are required to wear a safety helmet at all times.
- Motorcycles must keep their headlight on 'dipped' at all times during daylight hours.
Check out the videos, lots of useful information 🙂
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